Ngakan’s third paper has got published

Ngakan Krisnawijaya, a PhD candidate under Smart-In-Ag, has published his 3rd paper of the project entitled “Reference architecture design for developing data management systems in smart farming” in the Ecological Informatics journal. The study proposed an advanced data management system for smart farming. To provide insightful information, according to Ngakan, smart farming needs an advanced data management system, as the data is complex and originates from many sources. Hence, many aspects of data must be considered during the data management design of smart farming systems. The current study proposes a reference architecture for data management in smart farming, developed through domain analysis and architecture modeling approaches, resulting in a blueprint representing family features across various smart farming domains. The effectiveness of the proposed reference architecture has been evaluated through two case studies: dairy and fish farming in Indonesia, demonstrating its efficacy in designing data management systems for smart farming. The outcomes of this research will pave the way for further exploration in smart farming, particularly addressing data management issues within smart farming systems.

The paper is open-access and can be accessed at: Krisnawijaya, N. N. K., Tekinerdogan, B., Catal, C., & van der Tol, R. (2024). Reference architecture design for developing data management systems in smart farming. Ecological Informatics, 102613.

Many congratulations to Ngakan and the co-authors!