Papers in peer-reviewed journals


Budiman, I., Wagemakers, A., Derks, M., Sahara, & Moore, S. (2024). Socio-environmental systems in technology adoption in animal husbandry in South-East Asia: A framework synthesis approach. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences, 96:1, 2349518. http://10.1080/27685241.2024.2349518

Krisnawijaya, N. N. K., Tekinerdogan, B., Catal, C., & van der Tol, R. (2024). Reference architecture design for developing data management systems in smart farming. Ecological Informatics, 102613.


Fadillah, A., van den Borne, B. H., Poetri, O. N., Hogeveen, H., Umberger, W., Hetherington, J., & Schukken, Y. H. (2023). Smallholders’ milk quality awareness in Indonesian dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. ISSN 0022 0302.

Fadillah, A., van den Borne, B.H.P., Poetri, O.N., Hogeveen, H., Slijper, T., Pisestyani, H., Schukken, Y.H. (2023). Evaluation of factors associated with bulk milk somatic cell count and total plate count in Indonesian smallholder dairy farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Volume 10, Section: Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.

Krisnawijaya, N.N.K., Tekinerdogan, B., Catal, C., & van der Tol, R. (2023). Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach for Selecting Feasible Data Analytics Platforms for Precision Farming. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 209:107869.

Pinho, S.M., de Lima, J.P., Tarigan, N.B., David, L.H., Portella, M.C., Keesman, K.J. (2023) Modelling FLOCponics systems: Towards improved water and nitrogen use efficiency in biofloc-based fish culture. Biosystems Engineering 229: 96-115.

Wicaksono, A., van den Borne, B.H.P., Steeneveld, W., van Werven, T., Hogeveen, H. (2023). Hormone use for reproductive diseases and heat induction in relation to herd-level reproductive performance in Dutch dairy farms. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 211:105832. 


Inderaja, M.B., Tarigan, N.B., Verdegem, M.C.J., Keesman, K.J. (2022). Observability-based sensor selection in fish ponds: Application to pond aquaculture in Indonesia. Aquacultural Engineering 98: 102258.

Krisnawijaya, N. N. K., Tekinerdogan, B., Catal, C., van der Tol, R. (2022). Data analytics platforms for agricultural systems: A systematic literature review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 195.

Prabowo, A. P., Azijah, Z., Probokawuryan, M., & Budiman, I. (2022). Factors Affecting the Adoption of record keeping in Koperasi Cianjur Utara. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan11(2), 146-160.

Conference presentations


Fadillah, A., van den Borne, B. H., Schukke, Y.H., Poetri, O. N., van der Voort , M., Slijper, T., &  Hogeveen, H. (2023). An empirical analysis of the effect of milk quality parameters on the economic performance of smallholder dairy farms in West Java, Indonesia. Conference presentation at The International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) Conference. Helsinki, Finland.

Fadillah, A., van den Borne, B. H., Poetri, O. N., Hogeveen, H., Umberger, W., Hetherington, J., & Schukke, Y.H. (2023). Smallholders’ milk quality awareness in Indonesian dairy farms. Poster presentation at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) Conference. Toulouse, France.

Fadillah, A., van den Borne, B. H., Poetri, O. N., Hogeveen, H., Slijper, T., Pisestyani, H., & Schukke, Y.H. (2023). What are the important factors affecting somatic cell counts (SCC) in Indonesian dairy farms?. Conference presentation at Wageningen Indonesia Scientific Exposure (WISE) Conference. Wageningen, the Netherlands. 

Wicaksono, A., Edwardes, F., Steeneveld, W., van den Borne, B. H. P., Pinho, P., Randi F. and  Hogeveen, H. (2023). Economic effect of hormone-based fertility programs in dairy farms. Conference paper: Animal Science Proceedings, proceedings of the 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium 2023 (Galway, Ireland). p509. DOI: 10.1016/j.anscip.2023.03.126 

Wicaksono, A., Edwardes, F., Steeneveld, W., van den Borne, B. H. P., Pinho, P., Randi F. and  Hogeveen, H. (2023). Economic comparison of intensive and extensive hormone-based fertility programs in dairy herds. Conference presentation at the International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) conference 2023 (Helsinki, Finland). Video:

Wicaksono, A., van den Borne, B. H. P., Steeneveld, W., van Werven, T., and  Hogeveen, H. (2023). Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of Dutch dairy farmers regarding reproductive hormone use. Conference presentation at the International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) conference 2023 (Helsinki, Finland). 


Fadillah, A., & Indrawan, D. (2022). Improving Sustainability and Health System in Dairy Cooperatives Business Model Canvas – A New Model for Creating Value in Western Java. Conference presentation at The 4th ASEAN Business Engineering, & Technology Symposium. Bali, Indonesia.

Wicaksono, A., van den Borne, B.H.P., Steeneveld, W., van Werven, T., Hogeveen, H. (2022). The herd-level association of hormone use for reproductive diseases and heat induction with reproductive performance in Dutch dairy farms. Conference paper: Proceeding of the Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Conference 2022 (Belfast, United Kingdom). 81-88.


Budiman, I., Derks, M., Wagemakers, A. (2021).  Social system to support innovation adoption on (animal) farms in Southeast Asia: A systematic review. Conference presentation at NEST Conference 2021 (Sofia, Bulgaria).

Wicaksono, A., van den Borne, B. H. P., Steeneveld, W., van Werven, T., and  Hogeveen, H. (2021). Reproductive hormone use and its association with herd-level reproductive performance in dairy farms. Conference presentation at the Dutch Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (VEEC) symposium 2021 (Wageningen, the Netherlands).


Budiman, I., & Alta, A. (2022). Technology and Knowledge Transfers to Dairy Farms: Private Sector Contribution to Improve Milk Production (No. 52). Center for Indonesian Policy Studies.

Popular press

English news items

News item about the kick-off of the dairy data collection:

Indonesian news items

News item about the kick-off of the dairy data collection: