A delegation from IPB University (Prof Arif Satria, Rector IPB; Ms Retna Widayawati, Chair of Woman’s Association; Prof Iskandar Siregar, Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni; and Dr. Dikky Indrawan, Deputy Chairman for Executive Education of Institute for Leadership and Executive Education) has visited Wageningen University & Research (WUR), during 5 – 8 March 2024.
They participated in several events and accomplished various tasks relevant to our Smart-In-Ag project during their visit. Below are the main highlights:
The MoU between IPB University and Wageningen University & Research was renewed and signed on 08 March 2024 by Rector Magnificus Arthur Mol of WUR and by Prof Arif Satria, the Rector of IPB University.

On 06 March 2024, Dr. Dikky Indrawan (Deputy Chairman for Executive Education of Institute for Leadership and Executive Education) participated in the INREF impact day of WUR representing the Smart-In-Ag project. He gave a presentation about the Smart-In-Ag project.

In the morning of 08 March 2024, the Smart-In-Ag WUR team and the IPB University delegation held a meeting to update and discuss the progress and challenges related to Smart-In-Ag project. Prof Henk Hogeveen (the project coordinator) welcomed the IPB team and highlighted the main updates of the project. The Smart-In-Ag PhD candidates have also updated their progress. In addition, various issues were discussed such as the new WUR’s requirement for a letter of guarantee for inflation compensation from sponsors (e.g. for LPDP grants), the upcoming 2024 Smart-In-Ag summer course in Bandung as well as the newly granted project (funded by NWO), where the Smart-In-Ag project partners are involved in the consortium. The initiative of this new project was started during last year’s Smart-In-Ag project consortium meeting in Wageningen.

The IPB University delegation has also participated in the celebration of the 106th Dies Natalis and the transfer of rectorship on 08 March 2024. The rectorship was transferred from Rector Magnificus Arthur Mol to the new Rector Magnificus Carolien Kroeze. The celebration coincides with the International Women’s Day, and was attended by Ms Retna Widayawati, Chair of Woman’s Association from the IPB University delegation.